News Date: 20/11/2018
Fencing News
Fundraiser at the Gurkha Kitchen
PLEASE NOTE This has been rearranged and will now not be in November as planned but on Tuesday Jan 22nd at 6.30.
We are holding one of our occasional nights at the Gurkha Kitchen so we can have a get together. This will now be on Tuesday Jan 22nd at 6.30. This will just be a relaxed meal, with the club donation in the meal coast so no raffles etc. As usual friends and family welcome.
Cost: £18 a head based on us getting as many in as possible so:
Please let us know as soon as you know you can come as we need to know numbers in case we get too many wanting to come along.
More info and menu / special requests for diet etc nearer the time.
Christmas Competition. Brae School Games Hall, Saturday Dec 15th 10 till 2.
This term’s fencing will finish with the Junior Fun Competition (under 15) mentioned in the last News. This will be at the School Games Hall in Brae where we have started a successful Saturday morning session. The format will depend on the numbers who can come along. All junior fencers are welcome and we would like to see fencers from Lerwick, Brae and Aith to all come together for this event.
Please let us know if you can make this event, as we will need to arrange the format, kit etc. according to numbers. There will be no charge for this event.
Junior 24 Series, Linlithgow Jan 12th Foil event
Following on from the successful event in November with our group of 8 fencers, at the epee competition, the next event in this series is the Foil event on Sat Jan 12th. If there is enough interest then the club will organise a trip down, with, as before, taking the boat down on the Thursday Jan 10th returning on the Sunday night boat. We will stay at the same location in Edinburgh Park.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to go. Parents coming along can be worked out along the way, depending on who is going.
For relatively new fencers, (Lerwcik, Aith or Brae of course included), please ask if you think this may be a possibility and I can discuss whether it will be suitable etc.
Phil Hibbert, Coach
01806 577310