News December 23

News Date: 07/12/2023

News December 23

Fencing News for December 2023

Firstly, Phil received the Inclusivity on behalf of the Club at the recent Shetland Sports Awards. The club was recognised as having inclusivity at its core and it's noce to be recognised as such. 

Just some things i’m needing to hear back from you all about.

1. Can you let me know for entries into Fun Comp Dec 17th. If you’re not on the list please get in touch.  Details here
2. Remember Quiz Night Friday Dec 15th  Details here
3. Fencing Kit: 
I will be placing n order with Leon Paul to use our club discount next week. Whilst were happy to keep providing kit for anyone for however long, we would always encourage established members to start building up their own kit. I’m happy to advise. I will need to know by this Tuesday 12th to get an order in for Christmas.  More details here
4. AGM.   We are well overdue our AGM, and this is to take place on Sunday Dec 17th just before 11am at Gibby Park Hall whilst the competition is being set up.  I hope to contact as many of you beforehand to gauge any views and to ask for volunteers and to settle committee place etc so the meeting can be very short.   An agenda is included here
5. Stirling Sword Competition.
Entires are now open and our group travelling down will have to be finalised by Wednesday of next week. Please contact me to confirm entry if you haven’t done so.  Dates etc and link to comp is here
Please let me know as soon as poss, Thanks Phil