UPDATE Thursday Oct 3rd

Good weekend at the Highland Open photos and report soon

Remember fencing is on through the holidays at Brae and Gibby

News Oct 4th 24

News Date: 04/10/2024

News Oct 4th 24

News Oct 4th 24

Highland Open 

A group of 11 Shetland fencers travelled to Elgin to compete in the Highland Senior Open, a competition with the biggest entry list in Scotland this year: 
 Our more experienced fencers started confidently and soon adjusted to the higher competition level again. Mhairi Gifford fenced very well in both the foil and the epee, gaining 3rd places for bronze medals in both weapons. She lost to Lee, from Hong Kong in the epee semi final and to Chloe Campbell, from Edinburgh in the foil. Matthew Blance, fenced impressively in a competitive field of 54 in the epee to finish in 6th place. In the foil event on Sunday, Matthew still finished high up in the rankings but his progress was halted when he came up against an experienced fencer who had travelled from Philadelphia! 
 This competition is open to over 13’s and our younger fencers were competing at this higher level to gain valuable 
 experience. They not only fenced 2 full days over 2 weapons unlike many who just compete on one day, but had to test themselves against fencers from as far away as Canada, USA and Japan and ex internationals. They all impressed their coach by competing over 2 full days including a secondary event each day. The results were not of primary concern, the experience being the main goal, but Ronin Tulloch deserves congratulations on finishing 34th in a field of 54 in the epee.
The Shetland fencers were: Mhairi Gifford, Matthew Blance, Thomas Angus, 15, Christopher Brown, 15. Balthazar Holbourn, 15, Jason Hughson, 14, Dexter March, 16, Arion Mavroudis, 15, Robert Swift, 17, Ronin Tulloch, 15 and Harrison Wylie, 13.

Prize Giving

It's been tricky gettng this into our calendar this year, but next year , we have alrady established all our dates for all our Shetland competitions and events. This year, we aim to hold the prize giving on Nov 22nd at 7pm.  Venue will be Vidlin Hall, but htis may depend on numbers so please let us know if your want to come along. It will be a social get together and last season's prizes / cups will be awarded.  Numbers will dicate catering and venue so please let us know as soon as possible.

Shetland Recreationlal Competition Series

We could do with a better name and definitely a sponsor if anyone can think of anyone to approach or who has contacts. This will be our fun competitions, held on a Sunday usually and will much the same with all poules except:  This will be a series of 4 competitions, they will have a recreational licence, supported by the Scottish Fencing and open to visiting fencers. We have had quite a bit of interest from south especially for the one in June.                                                                            Dates are as below 

Sunday Nov 17th 10 till 3  Aith Leisure Centre

Sunday Feb 25th 10 till 3  Gibby Park

Sunday April 27th  10 till 3 Brae Games Hall  (Brae adn Gibby may swap if we arrange other events same weekend).

Sunday June 15th  9 till 5  Clickimin Centre

More details will appear soon on 'events' page on website.

Quiz Night

Mhairi and team are holding one of their quiz nights on Friday Dec 27th, 7pm at the Vidlin Hall. More details to follow from Mhairi. These have proven to be a great fundraiser for the club for kit. 

Dates for all above and club competitions next year etc are now on the website calendar and will always be found on the 'events' page.