UPDATE Thurday 7th Nov
Please let me know if you are coming to the Recreational Comp (fun comp) 17th at Aith and prizegiving on the 22nd Nov
date for diary Christmas Quiz
A social night including food and awards of prizes for the season takes place each year.
We are having a socail night and prizegiving at Vidlin Hall on Friday November 22nd at 7pm. This will also be a good chacne to chat over new projects coiming up over this season.
Prizes for this year's club championships will be awarded as well as the 2 long standing Best Improver Sheield and our Club Achievment Award (formely know as Style Award).
The bare will be open and we ask everyone to bring along some buffer food, eg. pizzas, salads, sausage rolls etc and some deserts. if you are bringing along food pleaee let me know so we have neither too much or tool littte of one thing.