Membership Forms

When you first join the club, we will ask you to fill out a membershiip form, before your first session. We do this so that every fencer is fully covered by appropriate insurance and we learn of any relevant medical issues etc.

At our AGM of 2023 it was decided to increase the 4 week introduction period cost to £20 and for monthly membership to increase to £20 for individuals and to £30 for family membership.  This is the first increase in a long time and still represents a low cost compared to  most clubs.

 We have always had a policy of Inclusivity and whilst our membership fees are low relative to  most clubs, we  encourage anyone who would find the fees a barrier to trying our of joining the fencing club to contact Phil Hibbert so that we can help. This is kept confidential between Phil and the Club Welfare Officer.

See also  'Costs' 

Membership Forms can be downloaded below and returend by email to or please ask for one if you wish to complete one at club


Junior Membership Forms 2024 

Junior Membership form 2024 PFF for printing out

Senior Membership form 2024 

Senoir Membership form 2024 for printing out